Friederickshavn to Laesoe
‘Here we are with 10 women and one man Frederik (Skipper) on board of the OOH mothership at the beginning of our trip towards Sweden.
Today was all about getting to know eachother and organizing all our stuff into the boat! Which, some of you know, is quite a challenge. But we managed and left Fredrikshavn around 17.00. We were so lucky that ather the rain the weather changed so that we had an sunny and easy sail towards Læsø were we arrived around 20.30.
We all had a bit at an aspect of sailing, furling out the Yankee and all of the Dutchies with helming….
On our way we enjoyed a lovely meal cooked by Suzan and had our first beautiful sunset.
We have a professional crew of 3, Frederik, Kristin and Therese who are all fantastic in helping the MS crew.
In the crew of 7 with MS there are
Mette, Dorit, Janinne, and Suzan from Danmark and further Barbera, Rolien and myself from the Netherlands. Of course we all try to speak English constantly but sometimes we forget and you see those blanc stares.
The start of the trip was great so we are all really looking forward to the rest of our sailing adventures!
Thank you OOH Denmark organising team, it’s so great for us all to be here !
Day 2 from Laesoe to Skagen
On the morning of day 2 we stayed at the Marina because an electrician had to come to check some thing’s.
But after he had gone we took off on our journey towards Skagen.. But somewhere midway Theresa wanted to swim and of course everyone wanted that opportunity. So we all jumped into The Kattegat which was freezing cold. But we survived and had a good laugh. After that we had a good sail to Dksger were we arrived just before dark. During our trip
Because we would be arriving a bit late Frederik called Jollyhusser if we could still have diner with them. The especially opened up for us and served us a fantastic meal called Shooting Star! It was a perfect ending of a fantastic day!!!
Tomorrow we leave for Smoge in Sweden